Essentials A to Z
Everything you need all in one place...
- Academic guidance and regulations
- Academic Tutor Toolkit
- Acquire Sustainable Action Award
- Act Sustainable Action Award
- Alumni contact and support
- Articulate Sustainable action award
- Ask us a question
- Attendance and engagement guidance
- A to Z policies and procedures
- Banking and where to get cash out on campus
- Behaviour and conduct whilst studying
- Benefits of an international career
- Blackboard Learn and Learning Capture
- Blackbullion financial support tool
- Bursaries & Awards
- Campus and the local area
- Campus Jobs deadlines for payment 2025
- Campus Jobs part-time work on campus
- Campus Jobs Portal
- Campus Jobs Terms and Conditions
- Campus maps
- Campus-accessibility
- Care experienced & estranged students support
- Care Experienced and Estrangement Bursary
- Career advice appointments
- Career Mentoring
- Career options to explore
- Careers & Placements
- Careers and Placements Fair
- Careers digital tools
- Careers Events
- Careers support and meet the team
- Celebrating Diversity
- Changes to how we deliver your course from September 24
- Changing your degree programme
- Cheating policy
- Choosing your optional modules
- Collecting your graduation certificate
- Combining work and study
- Community involvement
- Commuter Student guide
- Commuter Travel Bursary
- Consent Matters course
- Cost of Living support
- Cost of Living - Making the most of your money
Counselling and Wellbeing
- Counselling appointments
- Counselling support and meet the team
- Creating your CV
- Creative Enterprise
- Culture shock in a new country
Dictionaries and calculators for Exams
- Digital support fund
- Disability & Inclusivity with careers
- Disability Advisory Service guides
- Disability funding support
- Disability support for parents and carers
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Do I need a visa? Which visa do I need?
- Drugs and alcohol
Education for Sustainable Development
- Emergency and urgent support help
- EU Settlement Scheme
- Exam paper archive
- Exam Results
- Exam revision tools
- Exams contact the team
- Exams guidance
- Excel skills for the workplace
- Exceptional Circumstances
- Exceptional Circumstances policy
- Explore Creative Careers
- Explore postgraduate study
- Exploring alternative career options
- Exploring campus and the local area
- Exploring your Career Options
Fees policy
- Finalist Futures graduate community
- Financial Advice Service
- Finding an internship
- Fire Safety and Evacuation procedures
- First generation student support
- Forage virtual careers tool
- Fraud Awareness
- Exams FAQs
- Funding advice for US and Canadian students
- Funding opportunities
Gaining work experience
- Gambling awareness
- GoinGlobal International Careers tool
- Graduation
- Graduation live stream
- Graduation team contact
- GRIF - Careers Events
- Guidance on common issues
- Guidelines for Appropriate Behaviour
Halls Handbook A-Z
- Health and Safety
- Healthcare information for internationals and dependents
- Help for students with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs)
- Home at halls app
- Housing insurance
- How can accommodation help
- How can Student Services help you?
- How to get here on Graduation day - Travel and navigation advice
- How to select your modules
Important policies and procedures
- Inclusion Consultants
- Insurance information for students
- Intellectual property
- International Advice appointments
- International Advisory Team - how we can help
- International careers support
- International Student Advisory Team
- Supporting our International community
- International students with dependants
- Interview preparation
- IT Services: DTS help and advice
Latest volunteering opportunities
- Learner responsibilities
- LGBTQ Equality Resources
- Life Tools - Support and Wellbeing
- LinkedIn Learning
- LinkedIn Learning courses to support your career journey
- Support for International students living and studying in the UK
- Living at home
- Living in private/rented accommodation
- Living in University accommodation
- Local GPs, Doctors and Dentists
- Lockin China for job opportunities in China
- Looking after yourself
- Make the most of MyJobsOnline
- Making the most of your money at University
- Managing your online presence
- Mature Students support
- Medical and general health
- Mental health support from our Disability Advisory Service
- Module Selection guidance
- Module Selection visual guide
- Module selection FAQs
- Money and finance support
- Moving out of halls
Off-campus accommodation
- Online assessment and feedback
- Online Exams
- Online Exams FAQs
- Opportunities: make the most of your degree
Part-time work in the local area
- Part-time work on campus
- Peer Assisted Learning
- Peer support
- Placement events and workshops
- Placement pathways
- Placements Bootcamp
- Placements support and meet the team
- Plagiarism - referencing rules
- Policies and Procedures a complete list
- Portfolio Review Project - terms to semesters
- Postal services in Reading and on campus
- Postgraduate career support
- Postgraduate extra curricular opportunities
- Postgraduate personal statements
- Postgraduate student research guidance
- Postgraduate tuition fees
- Practice Psychometric Tests
- Prayer facilities
- Preparing for Assessment Centres
- Preparing for Interviews
- Preparing for your academic tutor meeting
- Pre-sessional English students living in halls
- Pride on campus
- Professional Placement Year
- Professional placement year training
- Programmes and modules - Study support
- Projects and partnerships for change
Racial Equality
- Racial Equality Resources
- Reading Internship Scheme
- RED Award
- RED Sustainable Action Award
- Registration for Counselling services
- Religious and spiritual care
- Religious events during exams
- Replacement certificates
- Requirements for Tier 4 (Dependant) Applications
- Responding to job or internship offers
- Restaurants and accommodation locally
- Returning to halls
- RISIS Portal
Safety and security
- Santander Brighter Futures Grants
- Schedule for your Graduation ceremony
- School Directors of Academic Tutoring
- Security Apps: Callmy Alert and My Way
- Self Employment - exploring your options
- Self-Certification for Exceptional Circumstances
- Sitting your exam guidelines
- Smart Works Reading
- Social Media Policy
- Special arrangements for Exams
- Sports clubs and facilities
- STAR Mentor application
- STAR Postgraduate International Mentor
- Student bank account
- Student Charter and Contract
- Student complaints procedure
- Student Guides
- Student life with an allergy
- Student News
- Student Progress Dashboard
- Student Protection Plan
- Student Services
- Student Support Coordinators
- Student Union Advisers
- Student voice - decolonising the curriculum
- Student Welfare Team
- Student Wellbeing Services
- Student Wellness Check
- Students in Schools - Volunteering
- Students under 18
- Students Residence Agreement
- Study & Exam assistance
- Study Smart
- Study space
- Study Support
- Study support services
- Study support, advice and information
- Study tools and platforms
- Studying in the UK - International students
- Suicide Awareness - Counselling and Wellbeing
- Support arrangement statement of service
- Support Centres
- Support for Disabled Students
- Support for specific disabilities
- Support for students with physical disabilities
- Support Line
- Support through appeals or misconduct process
- Support with your Sensory-disability
- Supporting statements
- Supporting your wellbeing
- Surveys
- Suspension, withdrawal and attendance - International students
- Suspensions
- Sustainability
- Sustainable Careers
Taking Time Out After Your Degree
- Teaching & Learning projects
- Temporary Workers Framework
- The Disability Advisory Service
- The local area
- The Muslim Centre
- The Newcomers Group
- The Racial Justice in Teaching and Learning Collection
- The Student charter
- The Student contract
- The International Student Advisory Team
- The UoR Student app
- Thrive mentoring
- The Opportunities Timeline
- Tips and advice for revising
- Top tips - Academic Tutors
- Transcripts, certified copies and other requests
- Travelling and your UK visa
- Tuition fee policy
- Tuition fee schedule
- Tuition Fee Tables
- Tuition fees - Money Matters
UG International Tuition Fees
- UG student module selection
- Undergraduate timeline - Opportunities
- Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme
- Undergraduate tuition fees
- Understanding your career options
- Uni Mental Health Day
- University accommodation
- University Mental Health Day 2024
- University support and adjustments
- Upcoming Careers Events
- Update for employers
- Use of editorial and proof-reading services - Exams
- Using generative AI tools at university
Visa and immigration information
VISA applications from outside the UK
Visa applications from within the UK
Visa compliance
Volunteer in the local community
Volunteering opportunities
Wardens and Hall Mentors
- Welcome to the University
- Welcome survey T&Cs prize draw 24
- Welfare resources
- Welfare support and meet the team
- Welfare team services
- Wellbeing Campaigns
- Wellbeing guides
- What are special arrangements? - Exams
- What would I need to do - RED Award
- What exactly are microaggressions
- What is RIS
- What is the Global Engagement Award
- What to do on Graduation Day
- What to wear for your Graduation
- Where in the world will you work
- Why go to PAL
- Why volunteer?
- Winter graduation booklet 2024
- Withdrawing from study
- Work experience framework
- Worship in the Community
Your Academic Tutor
- Your and our responsibilities at Campus Jobs
- Your Biometric Residence Permit - International students
- Your Financial Support Team
- Your graduation and beyond
- Your student contract
- Your Sustainability Team
- Your timetable
- Your visa and working in the UK - International students