Supporting student wellbeing - guidance for staff
This webpage provides guidance to support you to support students experiencing personal issues, even if your role is not being focused on wellbeing.
This guidance is intended to assist with first response support during informal conversations with students, such as during academic tutor meetings, after classes or other instances where colleagues have interactions with students.
In cases where an immediate response is required:
- If you have a very serious immediate concern about a student’s welfare see our Concerned About a Student quick guide. It provides guidance on pathways to follow.
- If you have reason to think that a student is considering ending their life, see the Mental health crisis and suicide prevention guide. It is imperative that you raise this as a concern.
- If you have a less immediate but still considerable concern about a student, please fill out a Notification of Concern form. This might include if you have noticed they have been behaving oddly or have disengaged from their studies or from other people.
- 24HR support line: Students have unlimited access to the free and confidential 24Hr Support Line to call or live chat day and night with experts on any personal issues on 0800 023 2466 or access support via the Wisdom: Learn, grow, thrive app.
Visit the student support information page for a full list of places students can be referred to for help.
Visit the student wellbeing training page for training opportunities available to colleagues.
See our first aid webpage for advice on assisting students who are unwell or injured.