CQSD update: Focus on Feedback and Academic Integrity Toolkit
31 May 2021
The Academic Development and Enhancement team (ADE, CQSD) has recently added to the Focus on Feedback resources. Providing feedback is key to the teaching and learning process but can cause frustration both for colleagues and students. To help improve the quality of feedback, we are excited to launch a principles-based overview of quality feedback - The 7 Cs.
Please feel free to download and use this image (available as PDF).
The 7 Cs adds to the Focus on Feedback resources that have been developed to support colleagues in providing feedback to students
Top tips from and for Colleagues: this is a suite of practical ideas for colleagues to try out in order to improve the feedback experience for students. These ideas have come from within our academic community and are aimed at both individuals, as well as programme teams in to achieve a level of consistency and coherency.
Making the most of your feedback: this is a student-facing resource developed in partnership with RUSU which provides 10 tips from students and for students. Please feel free to download and share with your students.
Guide to effective feedback: this guide seeks to improve the student experience of feedback by framing it as a key consideration at every stage of the assessment process; when designing and planning for assessment, during the marking process, and once marking has been completed. The guide also unpacks the 7Cs and provides ideas on how to put these principles into practice.
Academic Integrity Toolkit – (Online resources from Epigeum Publishing)
The University of Reading is one of a number of universities globally that contributed to an online Academic Integrity Toolkit developed by Epigeum. This course consists of several self-paced modules with vignettes, interviews, talking-heads, and quizzes. Students who complete the modules receive a certificate of completion. These modules can also be dropped into a customised Blackboard course with additional material customised to your context if needed.
There are a number of ways that you could use the academic integrity courses; for example, i) they could be integrated into existing study-skills modules, ii) they could be made compulsory in the first term of every student’s study iii) they could be a remedial tool for students who have received their first brush with the academic misconduct process.
In addition, there is a staff-facing version which can be used for induction or for professional development.
If you want to know more about this Academic Integrity resource, then please contact the ADE team at CQSD-ADE@reading.ac.uk