All-staff briefing and USS Pulse Survey
10 May 2021
On 19 March Andrew Grice (Director of Finance) and I presented an all-staff briefing highlighting the pension schemes available to colleagues at Reading.
Our presentation included information in respect of the latest USS valuation. Colleagues may be aware that the USS Trustee has reported a significant scheme deficit and potential changes to the contribution rates for employers and scheme members.
Universities UK, who act as representatives for the 340 USS member institutions, are consulting universities in respect of alternative proposals to be presented to the USS Trustee. We are discussing this consultation at the University Executive Board today, and with key Council members at the Strategy & Finance Committee on 20 May.
We will be hosting another all-staff briefing on 19 May focusing on the current USS issues. Further details and joining instructions will follow.
We have also opened a very short survey to further inform our discussions. The survey is live from today and closes at 5.00 p.m. on Friday 14 May. If you are a current or prospective member of the USS we would be grateful if you would complete the survey which should only take a few minutes of your time.
We will provide a summary of the outcomes at the all-staff briefing on 19 May.
John Brady
Director of Human Resources