Participate in Programme Expectations & Blended Learning workshops
09 June 2021
Colleagues from schools and professional services involved in teaching & learning and/or its support are invited to attend one of two workshop sessions.
The Programme Expectations and Blended Learning projects are two of the Portfolio Review Pathway projects being undertaken by the University.
Each workshop will comprise a brief presentation, breakout discussions, wrap-up and Q&A. This session is intended to actively engage attendees in the work of the Programme Expectations and Blended Learning projects, to maximise opportunities for staff across the university's functions to contribute their views and ideas on this important work. There will be approximately 45 minutes pre-reading required as preparation.
Please follow this link to register on UoRLearn: Programme Expectations & Blended Learning Consultation Workshop on either 22 June (10:30-12:00) or 5 July (10:30-12:00).
Strategic Foundations Programme
The University is currently undertaking a thorough strategic review, as part of its Strategic Foundations Programme, to ensure that we are appropriately configured to face the challenges of the next decade. It is important that our ways of working, our organisational systems and our programmes are not only fit for purpose, but flexible enough to advance the University’s strategic priorities in a fast-changing and uncertain world.
The Portfolio Review Pathway is a critical strand of this strategic work. It is conducting a detailed assessment of how we organise our teaching and assessment, so that our resources and expertise can be better utilised to deliver an excellent student experience. The underlying objective is not to make cuts, but to create the capacity within our existing resources to invest more in value-adding activities.