Retention of HR Excellence in Research Award
26 January 2021
We are pleased to announce that we have retained the HR Excellence in Research Award for a further two years following our ten year review. This makes our University just one of six institutions in the UK to have held the award for 10 years.
As part of this most recent review, we had to report on progress since 2018 in implementing the 2008 Concordat, and then develop a detailed action plan (with responsibility holders, timescales and success measures) for each of the 49 obligations set out in the 2019 Researcher Development Concordat.
The award is an important mechanism for implementing the principles of the Vitae Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers. In retaining this award, we have demonstrated our long-term commitment to the career development of researchers. The renewal of the award contributes to strengthening our support for the development of research staff, and in particular early career researchers, at the University of Reading.
Please contact Lynn Moore for further information.