Wellbeing Peer Support network offering 'invaluable' support
27 March 2024
When everyday stresses start to become overwhelming, sometimes it helps to have someone to listen without judgement.
That's the role of the University's Wellbeing Peer Support (WPS) network - a group of 19 trained staff volunteers who provide a confidential ear and supportive guidance to colleagues experiencing mental health issues or emotional challenges.
"For me, mental health is just as important as physical health," says Vicki Aldmington, Careers Consultant in Student Services, who has volunteered with the WPS network for four years.
"If someone breaks their leg, you immediately offer help. But mental health struggles can be invisible, even though the impact on daily life is often much greater. Having people around who can support you through those times is invaluable."
Vicki knows first-hand how crucial that support can be, having faced her own times of stress, bereavement, and the strains of the pandemic. The empathetic listening ear she received from her personal network inspired her to join the WPS network.
"I want to be there for those without that same support system or for anyone who doesn't know how to open up about what they're going through."
"Space to be heard"
The WPS network doesn’t provide medical treatment, but the volunteers are trained in mental health awareness and can signpost colleagues towards appropriate professional resources, like the University's Employee Assistance Programme.
All volunteers complete a two-day mental health first aid course, with regular refresher sessions to reinforce their knowledge. "The training has made me so much more aware of the challenges people face and the resources available, both within the University and externally" Vicki explains.
"We can't solve everyone's problems, but we can offer that judgement-free space to be heard and get pointed toward help if needed. I'm humbled that people trust us enough to share their experiences. I can only hope to reassure them and help however I can."
You can find out more about the Wellbeing Peer Support Network on the Wellbeing page on the HR site. It includes the profiles of all the staff volunteers, as well as how to get in touch with them.