Stickers available in digital accessibility campaign
04 May 2023
Stickers are now available to help colleagues remember to take another look at content they create to make it work for everyone.
The Look Again campaign, led by the Staff Engagement and DTS teams and running through May, is highlighting the importance of inclusive web pages, teaching materials and other digital content and providing tips to help staff deliver it.
How to get involved
- Pick up a sticker from the reception desks in Whiteknights House (open 08:30-17:00) or Palmer building (open 13:00-14:00 during exam period), from 112 JJ Thomson, or in communal areas on all campuses, or email
- Stick it somewhere to remind you to take another look at content you create and add accessibility features. The stickers are designed to fit on the edge of your computer monitor, but can be placed on monitor stands, desks or even clothes if you prefer.
- Use the links or QR code to access online information and advice on small changes you can make to your content that make a big difference to users.
You can also print off and display a digital accessibility tips poster, produced for the campaign, which features some quick and easy techniques to avoid your content excluding users with colour blindness, vision impairments, dyslexia and other accessibility issues.