Have your say on ECMWF headquarters plans
12 January 2023
Public Exhibition: Wednesday 18 January 2023, 15:00-19:00pm
Meadow Suite, Park House, Whiteknights, University of Reading, RG6 6AQ
Public Webinar: Thursday 19 January 2023, 18:00-19:30
Plans for a new state-of-the-art headquarters for a major international weather and climate research facility on the University of Reading’s Whiteknights campus are to go on public display.
The new building would allow the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) to relocate from Shinfield Road to the Earley Gate site, after an agreement was reached between ECMWF and the UK Government in December 2021.
The building would be fully funded by the UK Government’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. The co-location of ECMWF at the University of Reading’s campus would create the world’s largest cluster of weather and climate scientists in the world, once complete.
The building would replace the existing single-storey ‘temporary office buildings’, known as TOB 1, currently occupied by the School of Art and some external office tenants. The School of Art is due to be relocated to refurbished building in central Whiteknights campus, including workshops, studios and gallery space.
Feedback on the plans can be provided from Wednesday 18 January to Friday 3 February via a questionnaire on the consultation website at www.europeancentrehq-consultation.com.
Public exhibition
The exhibition and webinar will provide more details on the design and showcase the development proposal to the wider community. This will provide valuable feedback that would assist in the development, planning and implementation of the scheme.
The exhibition will allow visitors to see the plans in more detail and find out more about how the relocation of ECMWF will benefit the University and the local area.
Thursday's webinar will allow those who cannot make the in-person event to find out more. Register your attendance online.
Building design features
The new headquarters designs include office, research and meeting space for 300 members of ECMWF and visiting staff.
The plans include a restaurant, conference facilities and a training centre inside the building. with improved landscaping and parking spaces for around 200 vehicles and 90 bicycles outside.
The designs are aimed at achieving net zero carbon standards for the building and it would not impact on the neighbouring woodland.
The University and ECMWF have a longstanding relationship, with more than 50 collaborative research projects within the past five years. This will be strengthened by the close collaboration expected to be within the building between scientists.
This will aid the University in maintaining its world-leading reputation in meteorology and environmental sciences.