Make speculative applications and access ‘the hidden job market’
Some graduate opportunities will not even be advertised and it is estimated that at least 70% of all jobs will fall into this category – this is often referred to as the hidden job market. These roles may not be advertised for a number of reasons… smaller organisations may not have the financial or human resources to advertise and process applications, some job sectors may be so popular that they have more interested people than the number of vacancies available and some roles may be filled by internal recruitment or networks.
The majority of hidden opportunities are within the SME sector (small or medium sized enterprises) but accessing this hidden job market can be a great way to widen your job search. For any unadvertised role, you will need to do some research into organisations that interest you and approach them speculatively. Networking and informational interviewing can also be very useful when it comes to the hidden job market. Read more about making speculative applications.
In general, these applications need to be well informed, persuasive and tailored towards your chosen type of work/employer. If you are thinking about creating your own opportunity, you may wish to consider the following activities: staying up to date with the latest industry trends, networking and using the alumni tool on LinkedIn, creating a list of potential employers to contact, do your research – both with what work you would like to do and with what opportunities may be on offer, make sure that you have a strong CV and covering letter that is tailored to each organisation and emphasises what you can do for them rather than what you want from them …
If you need any further support or additional information, make sure to take a look at some of our events that are on offer, or book an appointment to come in and see us!